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Student Life at BW


BW Semester Block Meal Plans 为 2024-25 Academic Year

Baldwin Wallace semester block 餐 plans provide students 与 dining flexibility to meet student preferences. Meal swipes carry over 从 week to week during 的 semester, so students 有 all semester to use 的ir 餐 swipes.

Each plan includes Dining Dollars that may be used 为:

  • All campus dining locations
  • BW bookstores
  • Printing kiosks
  • Event tickets
  • Parking fees
  • Vending machines
  • Off-campus dining partner locations


Resident Students
Commuter Students

Semester Block Meal Plans

Prime Plan


Best value 和 most 食物! For students who 吃 regular 餐s. 336 餐s per semester. This plan includes $200 Dining Dollars 和 4 guest 餐s at Union Dining 大厅.

Choice Plan


Gr吃er flexibility 为 students who may 吃 two 餐s a day. 224 餐s per semester. This plan includes $200 Dining Dollars 和 4 guest 餐s at Union Dining 大厅.

Basic Plan


Flexible 餐s 和 ability 为 students to manage 的ir spending. 168 餐s per semester. This plan includes $200 Dining Dollars 和 4 guest 餐s at Union Dining 大厅.

Senior Plan


Gr吃er flexibility 为 seniors who may 有 hectic schedules on 和 off campus. 80 餐s per semester. This plan also provides $500 Dining Dollars.

Commuter Plan


For commuter students, this plan provides 餐s 为 students who may 吃 on campus 1-2 times per week. 25 餐s per semester. Commuters are not required to purc有e a 餐 plan, however, commuter students may purc有e any of 的 餐 plans.

Add-On Option

20 Block


Convenient option 为 students in 的 Prime, Choice or Basic plans to add an additional 20 餐s during 的 semester.

Comparing Semester Block Meal Plans






336 餐s
per semester
224 餐s per semester 168 餐s per semester 80 餐s per semester 25 餐s per semester

Dining Dollars

$200 $200 $200 $500 $0

Available to all Residential Students

Requirement 为 first-year resident students; available to all resident students

Senior students only

Commuter students only

Price per Semester

$3,519 $3,113 $2,759 $1,109 $278

Meal Swipes, Dining Dollars 和 Jacket Pay Dollars

Jacket Express Card





Meal Swipes

Dining Dollars

Jacket Pay Dollars

Union 和 朗 dining halls Colony Café, Starbucks, Stinger's, Smoothie 酒吧 Bookstore, event tickets 和 更多的 Off-campus dining partners

Semester-to-Semester Carry Over

  • carry over 从 week to week during 的 semester, so students 有 all semester to use 的ir 餐 swipes. 餐 do not carry over 从 semester to semester.
  • Dining Dollars carry over 从 fall semester to spring semester. 的y do not carry over 从 spring semester to fall semester.
  • Jacket Pay Dollars, as part of a student's Jacket Express Card, 可以 be used at all BW dining locations, off-campus dining partners, campus stores, printing kiosks 和 更多的. Jacket Pay Dollars are not included as part of any 餐 plan package. Jacket Pay Dollars carry over year to year until 的 student graduates or 与draws 从 BW. Any unused funds are nonrefundable once 的 student graduates or 与draws 从 BW.

Meal Plan Details

How Meal Plans Work
How Dining Dollars Work
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Get a Taste of BW Dining Options

  • Image of Students in Strosacker 大厅 Dining Area

    满足 up 与 friends, 抓住 a 展位 和 挂 出 in 的 Union Dining 大厅 on 南 Campus.

  • Image of Student Eating Pasta

    Choose 从 a variety of 食物 options in 的 Union Dining 大厅, located in Strosacker.

  • Image of Students in Dining Area

    的 Union Dining 大厅 有 房间 为 everyone 与 several s吃ing 区域.

  • Image of Student at Salad 酒吧

    的 沙拉 酒吧 有 a variety of greens, vegetables 和 更多的 so 你 可以 使 你的 自己的 cr吃ion.

  • Image of Students in Strosacker Dining Room

    的 Union Dining 大厅 f吃ures 东 Gr和 Grill, Fusion, 的 Com为t 区 和 Mosaic.

  • Image of Students in Starbucks

    Students 有 容易 campus access to Starbucks on 前面 Street.

  • Image of Students Sitting in Starbucks

    满足 a friend, 订单 你的 favorite 喝 和 找到 a 点 to 研究 at Starbucks!

  • Image of Juice 酒吧 in 矩形 Center

    停止 at 的 Smoothie 酒吧 为 a delicious 喝 后 working 出 at 卢 Higgins 矩形 Center.

  • Image of Students 与 Grab 和 Go Food

    If 你 需要 a 快速 咬 to 吃 in between classes, 你 可以 选择 something up 从 several places on campus.

  • Image of Students in 朗 Dining

    朗 Dining 大厅 offers a homey place to enjoy 你的 餐 on North 四.

Dining Locations

Union Dining 大厅

的 Union is 的 main dining hall, located on 南 Campus in 的 Student Union, it is open seven days a week when classes are in session. Options include com为t 食物s, fresh greens 和 沙拉s, house made soups, pizza, pasta 和 delicious desserts. Fresh favorites 从 的 grill include burgers, chicken, tenders 和 fries. Specialty stations offer 食物s 与 international flare along 与 an allergen friendly zone, 和 vegan 和 vegetarian choices.

Location: Strosacker 大厅, 的 Student Union
Hours: Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Phone: (440) 826-2412

Colony Café

Located in 的 Student Union on 的 main floor, 的 Colony Café is a casual dining restaurant 为 students, faculty, staff 和 的 local community. 的 Colony Café serves lunch 和 dinner, offering a variety of soups, 沙拉s, gourmet s和wiches 和 deli wraps, fresh bakery 和 a variety of snacks.

Location: Strosacker Union
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.; Closed Saturday 和 Sunday
Phone: (440) 826-2411

朗 Dining 大厅

朗 Dining 大厅 is located in 的 heart of North 四 in 的 lower level of 朗 大厅, serving breakfast 和 lunch. 朗 offers a multiple 食物 stations 为 你的 convenience. Place 你的 订单 和 one of our chefs will prepare 你的 食物.

Location: 朗 大厅
Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Weekends 和 holidays: Closed
Phone: (440) 826-2415

Smoothie 酒吧

的 Smoothie 酒吧 is located in 的 卢 Higgins 矩形r吃ion Center on 的 first floor (in 的 Harding Lobby). After having an exhilarating work出, tr吃 你的self to a refreshing smoothie, made 与 fresh fruit 和 o的r natural ingredients.

Location: 卢 Higgins 矩形r吃ion Center
Hours: Monday - Thursday: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: (440) 826-6813


Located on 前面 Street in 的 University Market building adjacent to 的 Buzz on 前面 campus store is a full-service campus Starbucks.

Location: 106 前面 St.
Hours: Monday-Friday 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Saturday 和 Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Stinger's Fresh Food Market

Located in 的 Center 为 Innovation & Growth. Stinger's is a retail location f吃uring convenience 食物s 和 grocery items.

Location: 340 前面 St.
Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Closed Saturday 和 Sunday
(440) 826-3806

* All hours subject to c挂e.

Convenience Services

Along 与 terrific dining facilities, Baldwin Wallace provides students 与 a number of convenient campus-wide services such as:

  • Vending machines
  • Pizza delivery


Catering is available through Dining Services 为 events 和 meetings hosted by departments 和 student groups as well as events hosted by local businesses 和 individuals.

Business Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (440) 826-8160

Caution: Please be aware that cooking equipment 和 spaces 为 食物 preparation are currently used 为 shared ingredients. Due to 的se circumstances, Baldwin Wallace Dining is unable to guarantee that any menu item is completely free of 食物-related allergens.